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Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells have unique pluripotent potential to further differentiate to any cell type in human, therefore the potentials of applying stem cells to repaire damaged cells are immense. In fact, stem cells therapies have been the sizzling hot topic for the last decade within academic cycles. Current research and clinical trails in stem cell therapies are extremely active and have shown some dramatic improvements and convincing evidence particular in Neurodegeneration diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis; Brain and spinal cord injury; Heart muscle cells regeneration and plenty more.

The public enthusiasm about stem cell therapy is even more dramatic but has a clear sign of overheating, which is arguably fuelled by many stem-cell-based consumable products. Worryingly, hardly any of those consumable products are backed up by any clinical evidence. Many of those are simply non-evidence based promising and purely driven by economical incentives to capitalise on public hot topics. Due to high potentials of pluripotent stem cells, the risks associated with stem cell therapy are also high, particular when handled with uncontrolled manner. The consequences can be extremely severe, numerous fatal accidents have been reported in all Australia, UK and The States. In addition, some unexpected and bazar consequences like growing bones in eyes can be expected from unauthorised stem cell beauty therapy. All those accidents have demonstrated the relaxed regulation scheme in stem cell therapies can be extremely harmful and the circumstances need to be changed.

Recent controversial debates around organoids have also highlighted the increasing worries about the regulations and applications of pluripotent cells.

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