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Introduction to Phoenix for Bioinformaticians

This post is for the workshop “Introduction to Phoenix for Bioinformaticians” on 28th September 2017

In this workshop, the Phoenix team will introduce world class and the state’s most powerful High Performance Computing (HPC) facility Phoenix. We will cover some basics about HPC in general, particularly we will introduce fundamentals of scheduling.

The aim of this workshop is to provide you a stepping stone to get started with Phoenix. In addition to the informative lecture, you will also have opportunities to hand on some real examples and try to submit your first jobs to Phoenix.

Before we dive in, please ensure you have an account on Phoenix. If you are unsure, please check with your friendly tutors before read further.

If you are all set, now

Start “Introduction to Phoenix for Bioinformaticians”

Please also remember to provide us feedback at the end of the class, your feedback will help us to better prepare for future trainings and shape your learning experience.

Provide Us feedback

From Phoenix Team

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